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Our "Curriculum Integration" option allows students to use the FACETS Healthcare Training platform for three, six, or twelve months on their phone, tablet, or computer for a fraction of the standard price.

Note: Curriculum Integration requires that the school purchase one year of access, and that every student in each cohort is enrolled in the FACETS Healthcare Training platform.

Our "Curriculum Integration+" option includes the same discount on student seats, and adds the following features:
  • Create custom quizzes
  • Sort students into cohorts and assign them assignments
  • Upload custom documents
  • Message your students
  • Quick add students to your class list or cohort
  • Add and manage additional instructors

Click here to explore these features.

Once a student is registered, his or her account may not be transferred to another student.

  • Prepaid: A training program generates student access codes anytime from the administrators' dashboard using a credit card, debit card, ACH, or by contacting us.

  • Postpaid: A training program generates student access codes anytime from the administrators' dashboard. FACETS Healthcare Training submits an invoice to the training program on the first of the month for access codes generated in the previous month. The invoice is due within 30 days from receipt and is payable by physical check, ACH, credit card, or debit card.

  • Student Pay: A training program generates student access codes anytime from the administrators' dashboard. Students pay using credit card, debit card, or ACH when they redeem an access code.

  • You distribute unique access codes to your students and they will register using their access code. Access codes never expire after generation and may only be redeemed once. If you're signed up for Student Pay, you students will be asked to pay when they redeem their access codes.