The school bells are ringing once again, and we’re thrilled to welcome back our incredible nurse assistant educators and students! We’re dedicated to supporting both students and educators with a wealth of resources, including lesson plans, a vast quiz bank, Spanish content, a robust learning management system, our renowned state-specific skill videos, and much more—all designed to create a well-rounded educational experience. Let’s make this year an exciting journey filled with growth and discovery! This issue will be dedicated to showcasing the extensive resources we offer to support learning and success.
State-Specific Skill Videos
We provide state-specific nurse assistant skill videos tailored to the certification exams for all states serviced by Credentia, Prometric, and Headmaster (AZ, CA, MA, MI, MN, OH, TN, WI, and WY). Upcoming additions will feature Headmaster videos for Mississippi and New Mexico. Our skill videos include a supply list, helpful notes and tips, skill steps, and skill quizzes.
Student Tracking
Instructors can monitor student progress using our robust reporting system, which is also accessible to students. Available reports include detailed tracking of the videos students view, the duration of their viewing time, and information about quizzes completed, quiz scores, and selected answers. There are additional in-depth reports that offer comprehensive insights into student performance and engagement.
Mock Skill Sheets
Our mock skill sheets serve as grading rubrics for the certification skills and are based on the steps outlined in the nurse assistant candidate handbook/candidate bulletin. They include allocated points for each skill step, approximate completion times, a list of supplies, and helpful notes. These sheets are invaluable for objectively grading students' lab skills with consistency across instructors. They are also available to each student for complete transparency. The following image shows a portion of a sample mock skill sheet.
Lesson Plans in English & Spanish
Explore our extensive library of lesson plans featuring audio and a corresponding quiz. We also offer a selection of Spanish lesson plans with engaging content to support Spanish-speaking students. Designed to address various learner needs, our resources enhance the learning experience. Lesson plans can be rearranged to fit your curriculum. Dive into our materials to discover how they can enrich your classroom!
Learning Managment System
Our advanced learning management system includes:
A cohort manager for creating and organizing student groups
Creating assignments
Viewing grades
Viewing student tracking data
Uploading custom videos, lesson plans, and documents
Taking attendance electronically
A messaging system
Manage settings
Additional features are also available. We are the only learning management system designed specifically for nurse assistant training programs!
School Subscriptions & Pricing
Explore our range of school subscriptions tailored to meet the specific needs of your nurse assistant training program. Check out our purchase options or generate a no-obligation quote here or contact us here.